Friday, August 24, 2012


Tired  of buying  mask im  sure  you find something in your  refridgerator  that  does'nt cost  any  penny  Plus healthy and  you  can eat it.

Face masks are used often to combat dry or problem skin. You can control what goes into a homemade mask as well as its cost. Avocados are rich with monounsaturated fat and antioxidants, and the oil that can be pressed from them is used in many applications for the skin, including massage oils and skin moisturizers. You can make your own face masks at home using avocado to combat dryness and give your skin a fresh glow.

Avocado Honey or Almond Mask

Step 1.

Mash the flesh of one ripe avocado with one tsp. lemon juice. The lemon juice prevents the avocado from browning.

Step 2.

Stir 1 tbsp. honey or almond oil into the avocado mix and combine well to make a smooth paste.

Step 3.

Spread the paste on your face using upward strokes of your fingers. Let sit for 10 minutes and rinse. Your skin should feel soft and moisturized.

I Love to  share this helpful  beauty tips, by the way I got  lots  of  dark cicles after pregnancy
and this  definitely help a lot.
more  beauty tips.  coming  soon.

say goodbye to dull looking skin

and add you beauty and confidence of  Jewelry you  love


Click here  for  more choices:

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