Wednesday, March 21, 2012

after two years

After two years of my Marriage it’s been so exciting for having our son,
Our Relationship is more and stronger every day and fun. With been More Open to
Each Other with love and care. And knowing each other and trust is the most important
Thing of our relationship. Since I got here in USA I never done Working It’s because I get Pregnant
That we didn’t   expect. Also its been so tough for us because  After Pregnancy due to my Sons Health he had Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) So I stayed with my son the whole 2 years. Take good care of him while my husband is working. But most  of  my sons recovery my  husband always there to help me. He got Two Open heart Surgery, and Thanks God both surgery was successful his a warrior baby. Thankfully His doing great right now his still on his medication. His so active and make us laugh every day  also  my step son his name is Zacharriah his 10 years old his such a sweet big brother. He really love to play with  his little  brother I love  to play  with them  at the  Park Its fun.

My Husband was so Responsible, lovable and sweet. Which I love him more and more every day.   I also made lots of American friends here and I also meet lots of Filipino at. St. Agustin church here in Philadelphia which make me feel more at home and speak my own Language. I also having fun  making Handmade Jewelry out  of  clay and more while babysitting my baby. Which I sale it  Online.
About  my  family  in the  Phillippines  I really  miss  them,but  that’s okay  I always call them  ones or twice  a  week,They wish  they  could  see my son, we love  to visit there but his still on medication right now. Hopefully no more  surgery.

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