Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Moms Life In the City with A special child

Its more than a  year now after  my  son, had than his  second heart surgery, i am writing these right  its  because i can't  sleep,  It  just  so hard to  sleep here  in the  city  with the  neighbor  surrounds you  just  dont  care, about  anybody they just wanna have  fun  playing  loud music,drinking  and  also its because  they dont  have  to get  up  in the  morning and  go to  work.

Its been so  frustrating  my  son, his 20 months  Old  now  im glad His  doing  fine  and  Only  one  Medicine  left which is ( Propanolol)  I would be glad  when its Over. Having A child with a  heart  Condition  is  not  easy,  I tought  his  getting bigger  its  getting easier but its  not  Its still hard to  sleep at  night.
He  just  full asleep right now, his  just  off and  on Crying  and  i dont  know  why, i can't do anything.

I know  Its  no answer with my Questions,

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